Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto!
3.19 By self-control on any mark of a body, the wisdom of the mind activating that body arises.
Im my honest, humble and awesome opinion, Mr Robot was one of the best TV series of the 2010’s. I think it perfectly sums up the Zeitgeist of the last decade perfectly. The combination of hacking culture and anti-corporate sentiment that followed the 2009 market crash is weaved into a story that is ultimately about a man with a severe personality disorder. Should I do a spoiler warning here? Fine, SPOILER ALERT. The last episode of Mr. Robot ultimately shows how the whole thing was made up in the main characters, Elliot Anderson’s mind. At the very end, there is a scene where one of the dominant, and ultimately made up personalities takes a seat in a theater next to the other personalities (a metaphor for Elliot’s mind) and the camera pans out through the light of the movie screen to show him finally relinquishes control. In total there are four aspects of Elliots personality present in the theater. The Father figure ultimately represents the protector. The child is part of his innocence. His mother represents the tormentor archetype and Elliot in a hoodie represents the mastermind, or the intellectual vigilante hacker Elliot created to escape his mundane life.
The overlying coincidence that I found fascinating with the four personalities in Elliot's head is that it mirrors the four aspects of the mind that I mentioned in previous articles. I’m not going to go into that again since I covered it at length, but the parallels are interesting. It’s not to say that we all have four distinct personalities that live separate from each other in our minds, it’s more like the mind can be divided up into many different parts which become whole after intense meditation.
Sutra 3.19 is the second in a line of sutras beginning to get into what are known as shiddies, or yogic powers. Many gurus has spoken about these at length and some take them literally. I personally do not. This sutra is sometimes believed to show that an advanced Yogi can have the power to regenerate body parts like a chameleon who had its tail cut off. There are some stories from India of such feats being accomplished, but you know that saying: pics or it didn’t happen. What I take this sutra to mean is that when the four factors of the mind are cleansed, you see the body for what it truly is, which is a mass of energy. This is not fake, I have seen it for myself and it’s a hard thing to convey in words to those who have not experienced it first hand. That is the point of yoga though, right? To do each of the practices and see the objective truth through subjective eyes.