June 2020 Astrology
The retrograde cycle of May is in full effect and will roll right into the month of June. Much of the violence and unrest that we are seeing at the moment is related to the shakeup of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto entering into the sign of Capricorn all within months of each other, then going retrograde last month, moving back toward the sign of Sagittarius. As things shake up and a new order is created, the masses will naturally try to reach for things they found familiar when these planets were in Sagittarius. Anit lockdown protests resemble Tea Party protests and the racial rioting is very similar to what happened in Ferguson. The old systems and methods are dying, so are the old ways of trying to change them. When the planets go direct at the end of Summer, there will be some glimmers of change, but it will take years for everything to settle into place.
June 12th Mars, Moon, Neptune conjunction in Aquarius
Neptune has been transiting the sign of Aquarius for a while now, about seven years to be exact. Neptune transits are long ones, so the day to day of this is not particularly relevant unless the planet is either going retrograde or direct. Even if Neptune is transiting one of your personal plantes, like Mars, Venus, the Moon Sun or Ascendant, it can take up to a year to feel its full effects. I think that planets like Neptune, Uranus and Pluto come into play when they are contacted by one planet, plus the Moon. Interestingly enough, this is what happened the night of the 2016 presidential election, but that conjunction involved the South Node of the Moon. That night, the media was exposed for their overzealous support of Hillary and the world was thus shocked by the results of the election. The energy to this is similar with the Mars transit, but will most likely involve some sort of truth being revealed by the media that will make people very angry. Keep an eye on the news this day.
June 18th Mars enters Pisces and Mercury goes retrograde
Continuing with Mars transits, which seems to have been determining the eb and flow of how people react to outbreak quarantines, entered into Aquarius on May 6th. This effectively signaled the beginning of the end of popular lockdown cooperation. When Mars enters the sign of Pisces, it enters into a water sign and takes on the traits of deep emotional upheaval. There are no other major planets conjuncting Mars at this time, but if you have any planets in the sign of Pisces, especially your natal moon, this is a time that you will need to watch out for yourself and be careful with your interactions. Tempers tend to flare and deep seeded issues with thoughts and emotions can arise during this time.
I tend to think that Mercury going retrograde gets more attention than it deserves. I’m not trying to downplay its importance, but I see people blaming all of their problems on it from tripping over a rock to making a bad cake. A retrograde mercury affects communication, travel and technology. Since our everyday life depends on this, it can cause some issues if you decide to book a trip, or have a major presentation during this time. I have seen my fair share of server crashes during my day job as an IT tech during a retrograde Mercury, so this is a good time to have backups of your backups, including alternate plans. Since this retrograde is happening in the sign of Gemini, there is a good chance that mass communications will be affected.
June 21st: Solar Eclipse
Solar eclipses are a big deal in Mundane Astrology which is astrology affecting the masses. The last solar eclipse was December 26th was in the sign of Sagittarius and conjunct at five other planets in. A solar eclipse sets the tone for the next six months, and you can see how all that energy poured out during the time of the Outbreak. This next eclipse will be happening in the sign of Gemini, and since it is so close to Mercury going retrograde, I am getting the feeling that one of the major themes of this eclipse will be how mass communications and media will change in the next six months. With so many people working from home and relying on the internet, it is looking like many of these changes will become permanent for many people.
June 24th: retrograde Jupiter conjunct retrograde Pluto
Jupiter went retrograde last month on the 13th and is going to make it’s second of three conjunctions with Pluto this year. Jupiter goes retrograde every year, so it’s not exactly a rare event. What is rare is when it makes contact with one of the outer planets, such as Uranus, Pluto or Neptune, which happens once every 12 years. When a planet goes retrograde, it tends to have the energy of it’s placement of the sign it was in before it. In this case, that would be Jupiter in Sagittarius. The symbolism of a retrograde planet shows that there is a tendency to try to go back to the time when it was in it’s previous sign, before it goes forward again and applies any lessons learned during the retrograde cycle. Juputer is right on the cusp of Capricorn and Sagittarius, which gives it much more energy and trafiguative effect. Pluto represents power and how it is wielded and when it contacts Jupiter, heavy handed tactics could ensue. Is this a time where we could see full martial law imposed on the country? Perhaps, but I’m not fully banking on that one because Mars is not in the mix. It could also show many secrets being exposed around law,
June 25th: Venus goes direct in Taurus
Have you noticed how many movie theaters, event complexes and shows have been shut down during the pandemic? One transit that I find interesting is Venus in Taurus. Venus is the planet that goes retrograde the least often, so I think that it’s retrograde cycle tends to mean more. Taurus is the sign of entertainment, art and beauty and is ruled by Venus, so they have the same basic meanings. That means that this transit focuses almost directly on Venusian things. You can also lump things like money and relationships with Venus. It seems like American pop culture has become stagnant for a long time, being lulled into mass produced corporate entertainment with only the bottom line in mind. Now is the time where we are going to see much of that begin to change. Creative expression is going through a restructuring at the moment, creating a new wave of culture. It’s not uncommon for relationships to get shooken up in one way or another during a retrograde Venus. Old lovers come back into the picture, relationships end or begin. I can always take a look at your chart to give more context.
June 29th: Pluto and Jupiter go back into Sagittarius.
This is a big one, not just that Jupiter and Pluto are going into the sign at the same time, but the fact that it takes Pluto 15 to 20 years to transit a sign and to have it done with a Planet like Jupiter that takes a year to do the same is very rare. It’s a very meaningful, if not backward expression of power and authority reminiscent of how things used to be when Pluto was in Sagittarius. Technically, both of them will still be conjunct from the 24th, so this day could bring some big surprises surrounding the same themes